Bespoke Coaching

The Coaching Connection Journey

Coaching is powerful!  It can shine the light on our subconscious mind to create new insights and perspectives. Coaching can reconnect mind and body and help us to rediscover our true selves. Coaching creates space. It initiates momentum. New choices open up. Old patterns and ways of thinking can shift. Change arises. Potential becomes realised. 

Remember, I get it! I have lived and am still living this journey of loving, learning and growing in my neurodiverse family. My invitation is to try it!

The Coaching Connection Journey

My coaching is gentle, yet lovingly challenging. Everyone’s journey is unique and shaped by their individual needs and priorities.

At the heart of my coaching model is safety and capacity. This is because everything else is dependent on the capacity a client has. When our nervous systems have very little capacity, we have to go gently.

I offer shared experience and a passion to help neurodiverse families find their unique flow, so that they and their loved ones can revive and flourish. It is privileged and beautiful work to journey alongside clients as they navigate their own path in this varied and colourful neurodiverse world.

Coaching is about creating a safe container and asking powerful questions. Depending on where the client wants to explore and and build capacity, I also offer a variety of modalities and use a number of teaching models. These include nervous system education and mapping, somatic practices, Positive IntelligenceTM, Organic IntelligenceTM, Polyvagal Theory, Attachment Theory, Interpersonal Biology and the Window of Tolerance, Compassionate Communication, mindfulness in movement, nature and meditation, and breath work.

Explore & Discover

Let’s dive in! All bespoke coaching programmes begin with an extended Explore & Discover session so that we can gain clarity about your challenges, your next steps and your overall goals. Get ready to learn about your self and who you are! Reveal defensive patterns, unearth subconscious beliefs, explore your own narrative around neurodiversity; make space for new perspectives and new ways of being in relationship with difference. 

Connect & Attune

Reconnect mind and body. Learn to navigate with ease between your nervous system states. Increase capacity and safety for self. Learn the power of the pause. Attune by ‘sharing’ your nervous system with others, once you have capacity. Co-regulation is key to creating more safety and harmony in our neurodiverse homes. We need to learn how to regulate ourselves first!

Innovate & Initiate

What do you want to invite more of into your life? What ways COULD there be to do that? We create safety for all possibilities to arise regardless of the “impossibility” that you may associate with those ideas. We open up and create space so that we can decide our next steps towards more of what we want for ourselves and our families.

Integrate & Embody

Here we practice stepping into the life we want. Conceptual awareness isn’t enough on it’s own. We can know what we want in our heads, but our nervous systems can sabotage us. Rehearsing our next steps through embodiment practices means that you get to ‘try things on’ to see how it feels. Creating the memory in our bodies before we take action replaces resistance and fear with familiarity and safety. It also ensures congruence between body & mind. As these become more integrated, we will find that things that we found overwhelming previously are now possible.

Nurture & Grow

Radical compassion and love needs to start with YOU! We need to take care of the seeds you have planted. Now is also time to reflect on your increased capacity and celebrate your growth, before we go around the cycle again.

We can go around this cycle an infinite number of times, each time we will be in a different place than we were when we started. New learning, new insights, greater connection, more integration, more growth. 

Watch my Coaching Connection video below
The Coaching Connection Journey

Heather Parks
Coaching Connection

☎️ +44 (0)7881 965909


© Heather Parks 2021

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